Andy proposed to me the day after Ohio University's graduation, Sunday, June 14, 2009. Our friend Sara was doing a photo shoot of the two of us because ( I thought) my mom had been bugging me for photos of us because as is the case with most photographers we have very few pictures of ourselves.
We took pictures at Emeriti Park and on College Green. While we were posing on College Green Andy asked if I wanted to look at any of the pictures Sara was taking, I said sure, and started looking through the images with Andy. He flipped back to the first image on the camera:

I was so surprised I read it a few times then turned to Andy who got down on one knee and brought out the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. Of course I said yes! Andy couldn't have proposed to me in a more perfect way and I couldn't be happier! Here are a few of the pictures from the proposal and photo shoot, enjoy!

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world as I'm writing this because I've found the best man to spend my life with. We decided to create this blog to keep you all updated on the wedding plans and all our news so check back soon for more updates as we add them!