Sunday, February 7, 2010

Experiments in Cooking and home improvement

Hello Everyone! Sorry it's been so long since my last post- I actually forgot my password for about two months so I have finally figured it out and I'm back! Anyway, we've done a ton which I'd like to post about including some wedding stuff and Christmas and New Years with family and friends in Ohio... but we'll start with something a little more recent. Last night's dinner.

Recently, I've been getting into cooking. Finding recipies online, in different cookbooks and from friends and I want to share with you one that Andy and I love! last night was the second night we made it: Stuffed Pizza Rolls! We call them Pizza Poppers. (I found the recipe online here: Here are some pictures from making them: This time we used turkey pepperoni, mushrooms, two kinds of green pepper, jalapenos, and of course mozerella cheese!

Finished Pizza poppers (topped with italian seasonings, garlic powder, and parm)

Andy putting the filling on the Pizza dough

mmmmmmm YUMMY!

Our next brilliant plan was thought of while we were looking at bananas at WalMart: Fruit Poppers for Desert! so we got some bananas and strawberrys to use as filler and some fruit dip to dunk it in afterwards!

Andy carmalizing the fruit (frying it up with butter and rum then lighting it on fire = Lots and Lots of fun)

hot fruit poppers right out of the oven (that's cinnimon on the top)

Finished fruit popper topped with fruit dip and nutella

What do you think? We loved them!

In other news we were doing some gardening and home improvements around the house. Andy wanted a new showerhead so we got one at Home Depot (thanks for the gift cart!)

Old shower head

New Shower head!

And here's our new little garden:

More later! We hope you are all doing well!